Response Content Types

For any API endpoint, you can choose JSON or XML responses by including application/json or application/xml in the request's Accept header. For example:

GET iii/sierra-api/v6/bibs/1000004/marc
Authorization: Bearer gbKjvov1k8PW_LqZerTYyq_i7v8kkfTGwwZX6jux19_WCW8lqeWyf6ReRQu5jKTE
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Your App Here
X-Forwarded-For: (Client IP Address)

For the authority and bib record MARC endpoints, you also have the option to retrieve MARC data in MARC-in-JSON format if you specify application/marc-in-json in the request's Accept header.

Each operation in the Interactive Documentation includes a drop-down list, just above the parameters section, where you can choose the response content type.

Click the links below to view MARC and MARC-in-JSON response examples.