The Order API

To use the Orders API endpoints, your key must be assigned the Orders Read role. See Administering Sierra API Client Keys in the Sierra WebHelp for more information.

The Order API contains methods for retrieving order record and fund information. Order records contain acquisitions information about the title, and funds track the library's finances, including appropriations, expenditures, and encumbrances. If you want to create a new acquisition, see The Acquisitions API.

With the Order API, you can:

The Try it out! links below take you to the corresponding section in the interactive documentation, where you can view the model, model schema, and parameters for each available operation.

Get a List of Orders

GET /v6/orders/

Retrieves the properties of the first x Order objects, where x = the default record limit.

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Get the Properties of a Given Fund

GET /v6/orders/funds/{acctUnit}/{fundCodeNum}

Retrieves the properties of the specified fund number within the specified accounting unit. If a fund matching the input parameters exists, the fund code, fund code number, and the accounting unit associated with the fund are returned.

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See also:

Fund Object

Filter the Records by a Query in JSON Format

POST /v6/orders/query

Returns a list of records that satisfy the JSON query.

See Creating a JSON Query for information about the structure of Sierra JSON queries.

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Get an Order by Record ID

GET /v6/orders/{id}

Retrieves a single order with the specified record ID.

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See Also:

Order Object